Tuesday, December 9, 2008

“Aesthetic Universality of Arts”

  “Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives.”

                         - Amy Lowell

Aesthetic Universality of Arts Makes For Real Humanity. Arts are the most effective unifiers of humanity. They function on the basic themes of aesthetic universality. They make the truth indivisible. Although divided in branches, art is the true manifestation of synthesis of peoples, religions, faces, nations and classes. Everyone enjoys art, and the truth depicted through it becomes easily acceptable to all humans. The gates of the beautiful truth are wide open for everybody, and the light of art influences numerous hearts with love and grace.

Arts have a high place in the evolution of the race and their value in the education and actual life of a human being. The manners, the social culture, and the restraint in action and expression, are based essentially on the sense of form and beauty, of what is correct, symmetrical, well adjusted, fair to the eye and pleasing to the imagination. The rudeness, coarseness, vulgar violence, overbearing roughness, and selfishness among individuals, greatly hamper the development of individuals within, and in dealing with the outside environment. The sense of form and beauty is an artistic sense, and can best be fostered by developing artistic culture and universalization of perception and sensibilities.

A famous author Oscar Wilde says, “Through Art and Art only that we can shield ourselves from the sordid perils of actual existence.” The definition of an art is, “The art is a broad subdivision of culture, composed of many expressive disciplines.”

There are many art forms exists, but some of them like music, literature and painting inspire people more than others. A Hindu sage has said that music and poetry provide detached and disintegrated enjoyment of the eight rasas or forms of emotional aesthetics, which make up life and keep if free form the disturbance of lower passions.

Painting and sculpture work in the same direction by different means. Art sometimes uses the same means as poetry, but cannot do it to the same extent, because it does not have the movement of poetry ; it is fixed, it is still ; it expresses only a given moment, given point of beauty in space. It cannot move through time and region.  Yet, it is this stillness, this calm, this fixity, which gives it a separate identity as art. Poetry raises the emotions and gives a separate delight.

Art inspires emotions and gives sensational delight of restrained and harmonious thinking by the individual, with an aesthetic sense. Art is a perfect education for the soul. Arts keep its movement purified, controlled, deep and harmonious. This, therefore, is the media of mind which need best care by humanity, in its onward march. This should not be let down or degraded to the satisfaction of mere sensuous pleasure, which disintegrates rather than builds the character. It is, when properly used, great educating, edifying and civilizing forces.

Truth purifies human consciousness, and reaches for everything real and beautiful. Modern science has become the greatest educator of arts. Humanity is civilizing itself at cosmic speed. The truth of great art and knowledge is traversing all storms of earthly commotions. Even the ‘earthly’ people; semi starved of material possessions, understand the vital importance of active beauty. And when great artists proclaim: labour, beauty and action, the formula of international truth assimilates with deep impact.

Without the untiring realization of the beautiful, without the refinement of the heart and consciousness, we cannot help making earthly existence cruel and deadly. And without existence of art; we cannot realize this fact. Somebody has said truly that, “Art is making something out of nothing.”


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